Independent Media Info


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Police Urged to Move Buchtar Tabuni Narcotics Prison

Wim R. Medlama and Buctar Tabuni

JAYAPURA - With health reasons Buchtar Tabuni requiring medical treatment due to an ulcer and low blood through the West Papua National Committee spokesman Wim R Medlama, Papua Police urged to be willing to move to a prison detention Buchtar Narcotics, New Doyo, Jayapura district.

"While this was not in the condition of Buctar allowed to be detained at the Papua Police due to health conditions Buctar Tabuni insecure in Papua police custody," he said, accompanied by two activists were Assa Asso and Wanimbo ogram during a press conference at Prima Garden Abepura, Thursday (23/8 ).

This, once expressed Buchtar Tabuni at the last hearing before the Eid holiday. But the chairman of the panel of judges led by Haris Munandar, SH, MH declare it depends on the Papua Police and the Public Prosecutor who is still trying to prove the article alleged to Buchtar Tabuni Class 1A district court in Jayapura.

As mentioned if the police did not immediately move to New Doyo Narcotics LP, the KNPB no choice, but just ask The Police will continue to be Buchtar Tabuni remain displaced. On the occasion, he also expressed deep regrets the actions of security forces such as military and police pursuit and arrest of the Chairman that he KNPB Paniai region without obvious cause.

"The actions of the pursuit and arrest by security forces of the Military and Police Chief KNPB Paniai, we ask that stopped," he said.
according to him, polemic going on Paniai is a matter of ideology and self-Papuans and not a new problem.

"The shooting incident because the ideology of the Papuan people since 1961," he said. According to him, UP4B and development efforts for the welfare of the people of Papua will never dampen perlawana Papuans.

"I'll continue to keep the resistance of the people of Papua, the central government had a degree referendum in Papua," he said again. And the security forces TNI and Police asked to act persuasively to the people of Papua.