Independent Media Info


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Police: Gunman suspected of TPN / OPM

Jayapura (ANTARA News) - Papua Police suspect that members of the police shooting in Enarotali, Paniai on Tuesday at 10.00 pm from the TPN / OPM.

"Our guess who did the shooting of our existing personnel in Enarotali, Kabuapaten Paniai is of the TPN / OPM," said Head of Public Relations Papua Police, Sr. Comr John Wicaksono Nugroho said in Jayapura, Papua, on Tuesday.

About the event, said Sr. Comr John, Yohan Brigpol victim Kisiwaitouw colleagues Brigadier Wartanoi Gustaf was washing a car in the city Enarotali, Paniai district near the airport.

Shortly thereafter, his colleague Gustaf went about to find a meal, suddenly came and shot Yohan offender in the head and chest.

"The shooting occurred around 10:00 pm at the end of the airport," he said.

When asked related motives and perpetrators of the TPN / OPM which, Comr John said that it did not know the motive but that the alleged perpetrators of the OPM operating in the region.

"Perpetrators allegedly from the OPM," he asserted.

He also added at this time if the existing police personnel in Enarotali, Paniai chasing the shooter.

Information compiled from various sources Reuters, residents Enarotali, Paniai district currently does not dare leave the house because of the shooting, a number of stalls and food stalls also choose closed.

Paniai Police, Chief Anthony Diance when contacted said it is conducting a hunt for the shooter.

"Patience Well, today I was at the scene, and we are also giving chase," he said.

Meanwhile, Leo Yeimo, spokesman TPN / OPM Division II Makodam Pemka IV Paniai, to one of the national media had claimed that it conducted a series of shootings in the region, including the shooting death this morning Brigpol Yohan Kisiwaitp around 10:00 pm.