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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Police Urged to Move Buchtar Tabuni Narcotics Prison

Wim R. Medlama and Buctar Tabuni

JAYAPURA - With health reasons Buchtar Tabuni requiring medical treatment due to an ulcer and low blood through the West Papua National Committee spokesman Wim R Medlama, Papua Police urged to be willing to move to a prison detention Buchtar Narcotics, New Doyo, Jayapura district.

Reportedly tense Paniai

John Magay Yogi

Paniai - After the shooting police officers by the West Papua National Liberation Army leader John Yogi, the capital of Paniai reported Enaritali situation tense. Hundreds of residents were frightened and fled to the forests, the article of 15 people allegedly tortured and burned five houses.

From the statements of people who refused to give his name told us via cell phone, there are 15 people who do not know anything of the Indonesian security forces tortured and 5 houses and 2 units of speed boat transport burnt lake. As a result, residents now fear and trauma. Residents who were tortured, among others named MARIUS GOBAI, AKULIAN DEGEI AND SOME OTHER FRIENDS, today they are still being held at the police station Paniai.

Campaign sheds light on West Papuans' plight

Kirsty Keen

STAND AGAINST TYRANNY: Kirsty Keen, the Lush Cosmetics Nelson store manager, has her lips taped shut to signify the oppression of people in West Papua who live under Indonesian rule.

A campaign to help the native people of West Papua has been launched in Nelson. Lush Cosmetics is this week inviting people to learn more about the Free West Papua campaign and support it through a petition and sale of one of their fragrances, the Smell of Freedom.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Police: Gunman suspected of TPN / OPM

Jayapura (ANTARA News) - Papua Police suspect that members of the police shooting in Enarotali, Paniai on Tuesday at 10.00 pm from the TPN / OPM.

"Our guess who did the shooting of our existing personnel in Enarotali, Kabuapaten Paniai is of the TPN / OPM," said Head of Public Relations Papua Police, Sr. Comr John Wicaksono Nugroho said in Jayapura, Papua, on Tuesday.